HbA1c Test key benefits
- Measurement of long term blood sugar levels
- Lifestyle assessment
- Includes a type 2 diabetes risk assessment
- Personal recommendations on how to improve your health status
- Track your progress
- Anonymous and clinically accurate test results from an independent and certified laboratory
The Zinzino HBA1C Test
The test is divided into two main parts. First, the actual measurement is performed using an easy at-home, laboratory analyzed self-test for analyzing the long-term blood sugar level (HbA1c) found in capillary blood obtained from a fingertip. Using the Dried Blood Spot (DBS) technique. This technique is science proven to be as accurate as a venous blood sample. When the long-term blood sugar level is analyzed.
All it requires is a few drops of blood on a Whatman filter paper and it takes less than a minute to complete. The blood will then be analyzed by VITAS Analytical Services in Norway. One of the world’s leading laboratories within the area. The result will be displayed, after about 10-20 days, on the website using your personal, anonymous test ID. This measurement provides vital information regarding your current body’s ability to control blood sugar. Because knowing your current levels will empower you to make positive choices. And take positive actions.
In order to know which actions to take, the second part of the test is a lifestyle assessment. When logging in with the test ID, you will be asked to fill out a detailed questionnaire to perform the lifestyle assessment. This will provide the context. Because information without context is often meaningless. The Zinzino lifestyle assessment will enhance your understanding of yourself, your health status. How your current lifestyle is shaping your future health. And most importantly guide you towards a brighter and healthier you in the years to come.
HbA1c Test area
To do this we combine your test result with your lifestyle assessment. And score you how your current lifestyle is supporting the following areas for you to track over time:
- Overall health status
- HbA1c test analysis
- Risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Taken from validated risk assessment questions
- Metabolism
- Immune function
- Brain function
- Gut function
- Bone & Joints
What we measure
The Hemoglobin A1c test that we are using to measure the long-term blood sugar level is a measurement of the amount of A1c hemoglobin proteins that have glucose attached. The higher the amount of blood glucose (blood sugar) on average, the more glucose there is attached. It is represented as a unit of measurement in mmol/mol (millimoles per mole). Which has been the standard measurement for blood sugar levels since 2009. The result is then categorized in one of 4 different categories:
Normal range < 34 mmol/mol
Monitor closely range 34 – < 38 mmol/mol
Prediabetic range 38 – < 47 mmol/mol
Diabetic range > 47 mmol/mol
When being in a normal or monitor closely HbA1c range, the validated risk assessment of developing type 2 diabetes is presented. Whereas if the levels are in the prediabetic range or above. The risk assessment is not presented since it is already advised to warrant action.
Certified test kit
The Zinzino Dried Blood Spot Test is certified to comply with the European regulation 98/79/EB on in vitro diagnostic (IVD) medical devices. This means the test and all its components are in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. And so the Kit has the CE mark on it.
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