Aloe Vera Gel


Light as the wind. Aloe Vera Gel is a natural product designed for comprehensive body cleansing. It quickly purifies blood, lymph, and intercellular fluid, normalizes acid-base balance, and activates the excretory system, restoring healthy metabolism.

SKU: F007 Category: Brand:


Aloe Vera Gel is a unique natural detox formula designed for comprehensive body cleansing. The name of product in China (Sanqing) translates to “Three Purities”, emphasizing its triple-action effect: intestinal cleansing, toxin removal, and blood fat reduction. Its main component – Aloe Vera extract – is known for its anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties. It effectively purifies the intestines, eliminates toxins, and reduces harmful fat levels in the blood.

Key Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel

  • Triple Cleansing – Detoxifies the intestines, removes toxins, and lowers blood lipid levels.
  • 100% Natural Formula – Includes over 10 traditional Chinese medicinal ingredients. Such as Aloe Vera, oligosaccharides, Hericium Erinaceus (Lion’s Mane Mushroom), chrysanthemum, and honeysuckle.
  • Safe and Chemical-Free – Contains no chemical or hormonal additives. Making it a completely natural product.

Unique Ingredients and Their Benefits

  • Aloe Vera Gel – Contains more than 160 active components, including barbaloin, which destroys harmful cells, boosts immunity, and slows aging. It is effective for constipation, hemorrhoids, cardiovascular health, and wound healing.
  • OligosaccharidesWater-soluble dietary fiber that improves intestinal function, prevents constipation and diarrhea, lowers blood fat, and enhances immune response.
  • Chitin – The only edible animal fiber free of amino-basic cations. Often called the sixth life element for human health.
  • Ginkgo Biloba Extract – Known as a “living fossil”, it enhances cerebral blood flow, improves memory, and helps prevent Alzheimer’s disease. It also supports cardiovascular health, inhibits thrombosis, and reduces free radical damage.
  • Black Fungus – A high-protein, low-fat superfood that prevents fat absorption, aids weight loss. Supports cancer prevention.
  • Chrysanthemum and Honeysuckle – Powerful liver-cleansing and detoxifying herbs that reduce inflammation and swelling.

Why Detoxification is Essential?

  • Intestinal Health: The human intestine is 5–6 meters long, with over 100 folds, where food residue can accumulate. Over time, these residues ferment, rot, and produce toxic substances. If not expelled, they get reabsorbed into the body, leading to serious health issues.
  • Toxin Accumulation: External factors such as air and water pollution, pesticide residues, and heavy metal deposits increase toxic buildup in the body. Internal factors like metabolic waste, hormonal imbalances, and stress further lead to chronic health conditions.
  • Blood Fat Reduction: Modern diets contain excess fat, increasing blood viscosity and leading to cardiovascular diseases. Such as strokes, coronary heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes. Detoxification is crucial to maintain a healthy circulatory system.

Usage Recommendations

  • Dosage0.6 to 1 vial, twice daily, taken 30 minutes before meals.
  • Course Duration10 days, with an optional 3–5 day break before repeating the course.
  • Pro Tip – For enhanced detox effects, Aloe Vera Gel can be paired with oligosaccharides (Phoenix Rose Paste).

Indications for Use

  • Digestive disorders – Chronic constipation, bloating, and indigestion.
  • High blood lipid levels – Helps lower cholesterol and triglycerides.
  • Skin issues – Effective for acne, pigmentation, and toxin-related skin problems.
  • Gastrointestinal inflammation – Supports gut lining healing and reduces inflammation.


Product is not recommended for:

  • Individuals with ingredient sensitivity.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women.
  • People with intestinal obstruction.
  • Patients with acute gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Individuals prone to diarrhea.

Aloe Vera Gel – A Safe and Natural Detox Solution

Aloe Vera Gel is a powerful yet gentle detox solution that clears the intestines, removes toxins, and supports overall health. With 100% natural ingredients and proven benefits, it provides a safe and effective way to restore balance in the body.

Additional information

Weight 120 g


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